Office Address: Sky Internet 302, Shaligram Bungalows, Dharagiri, Kabirpur Prathmik, Kabilpur, Navsari. Gujarat - 396424, India GSTIN/UIN : 24AFUPR5222C2ZF State Name : Gujarat, Code: 24 Contact : +91 992 492 2211

Quick Description

Name Website and mobile app development
Address SF-341,342 Palladium, Opp. V.I.P. Plaza,Near Shyam Tample, VIP Road, Vesu, Surat-395007.
Contact Person Timir Patel
Contact Number 9724305392
Email ID
Description AnTim Technologies llp is best known for its Creativity, Design, Website, Mobile and Software Development. With an innovative, creative and pragmatic approach, software development at Antim Technologies is no less than an exciting and engaging process. We have an in-built knack for delivering high-performance websites, mobile and software applications - of all size and complexities. In more simple terms, we make compelling products that scale to your business needs.
